Tuesday, November 7, 2000


Who do you think you are?
Most people know me as Schendo, and I'm a writer, professional linguist and food service grunt (not necessarily in that order) living in Cincinnati, USA.

What's wrong with you?
That is a very good question. Most of what you will find here is the result of years of reading, rambling and ranting about language, culture and travel. The rest I blame on sitting too close to the television during my formative years.

Why am I here?
Most likely because of some terrible flaw in Google's page rank algorithm. But since you're here, why not explore some of the exciting features we have for you:

News and Notes: Why should we both waste our time surfing the web?
LiCTLE of the Month Club: Highlighting the world's lesser known languages.
Book Reviews: Insightful reviews of writing on travel, language and culture.
Word of the Moment: Exploring the world, one word at a time.
Travel Stories: Because my friends are sick of hearing them.
Musings: The orange, cheesy powder left on your fingers after you're done picking your brain.

Reviews, eh? Get any good swag lately?
I wish. If I did, I'd be writing Schendo's Expensive German Sedans and Schendo's World of Scotch. If *you* want to send me free stuff, by all means go ahead. Just don't expect me to review it on this blog.

Are these stories true?
As far as I can tell. Nicknames have been used to protect the innocent, to avoid embarrassing those whose only sin was poor judgment and whenever I can't remember somebody's real name.

What's your comment policy?
Feedback is most definitely welcome, but please be civilized. I moderate all comments, so if you don't have anything nice to say- start your own damn blog.

You're wrong! How can I prop up the crumbling edifice of my own ego by proving it to you?
I am never surprised to discover that I may be wrong. I've certainly set a precedent for it over the years. Fortunately for both of us, I welcome any civil, reasonably thought out response. If your rebuttal is particularly well-written and accessible, I might even ask you to elaborate on it and give it a spotlight post of its own.

On the other hand, if I just piss you off-- complain about it on your own damn blog.

How can I help a brother out?
First of all, thanks for your support. If you like what you read here, please tell your friends and neighbors about me. You can also become a fan on Facebook or follow Bad Grammar via RSS syndication or Twitter (https://twitter.com/schendosBG). Also, stop by my Amazon store: I get a small commission off of every book sold through this site.

I see, are you in this for the money?
Well... it's certainly not for the groupies.

So, you've sold your soul for the almighty dollar?
Yes. And my rates are remarkably cheap. Need a freelance writer? If you have a project for me, send me an eMail at schendo AT schendo DOT com.